



New: See our new options at the bottom of this column!


Click here to see a short video

about the FREE weight loss seminar



Click here to check the date or to register for the FREE weight loss seminar



Click here for more online information about

Club Reduce Kentucky



270-344-Club (2582)      


Hours by appointment    


Location:   2429 W Parrish Avenue, Owensboro KY



We are now offering you the option to receive a direct one on one consultation covering all of the seminar information as well as the personal consultation which includes: A computerized analysis of your survey results, a look at a plan personalized for your specific situation, and the opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding your specific needs. This service normally costs $125. Act now to schedule this one on one consultation and receive $100 off. That’s right. You can get this consultation for only $25.  Call today! 344-2582

If you are wondering how effective our services really are then try one of our body wrap sessions. This is just one part of our program, but, with this one service, you will see the power of our program. This is NOT like any body wrap that you have had before. Call today and schedule to receive 50% off one of our body wrap sessions! In addition to the 50% off, we will throw in a free SMT session. Once you try this one visit, you will see how well this really works. Upon completion of this 30 minute body wrap session, you will feel better, thinner, and feel like you have had an extra 3 hours of sleep. This complete session is only $42.50! Call 344-2582


20 people to lose 30 to 50 lbs.

Serious inquiries only!

We are looking for people like you…

ü  people who have tried every diet

ü  people who can’t control their cravings

ü  people who have failed with exercising

ü  people who cannot sleep at night

ü  people who cannot think clearly

ü  people who are sick of being so tired

If you are ready to lose weight, we

mean seriously lose weight and keep

it off, then we want you in our

office for a special program!


If you are chosen to participate in

this program, your entire life is about

to change for the better!





And Learn How to Get Rid of Your Belly Fat Once

and For All By Getting Your Fat Burning Hormones to Work For You and Not Against You!


Seating is Limited So Register Now…


This opportunity is limited. We only have room to accept 20 individuals into this specially monitored program. These slots fill up so call now. One of our staff members is waiting to speak with you about your current situation, and they will help determine the next step to see if you qualify for this special weight loss program.


270-344-Club (2582)




Check out the links to the left.


There is no obligation to buy anything at the FREE seminar.


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